ITS Only - ITS Owned Vehicle Policy

CSU Bakersfield Policy

Document Number:
Responsible Office:
Information Technology Services
Primary Author:
CIO & AVP of Information Technology
Last Revision Date:
Effective Date:


This is an internal department policy for Information Technology Services.  This is not a university wide policy.
Establish a standard on how, when and where ITS golf carts, pickup carts, and pickup vehicles shall be utilized and managed.  


Golf Cart – ITS owned traditional golf cart
Golf Cart pickup – Golf Cart with pickup style bed
Pickup – ITS Ford pickup


This policy applies to all Information Technology Services staff, including student assistants. 
In addition to Campus Policy UPD-60.004, published by campus University Police, effective August 29, 2022.  The following policies and procedures will be followed for the use of ITS owned vehicles: 
  • Vehicles are to be used for ITS/Campus business purposes. 
  • Staff will have completed the Campus required driver certificate process. 
  • Staff checking out cart keys are fully responsible for the return of the cart keys and shall not pass the keys to another employee / staff member to be returned. 
  • Vehicles are to be returned to the designated parking area as per the cart designated parking areas. 
  • Vehicles with available wheel locks will have the wheel lock engaged prior to returning the cart keys.  This is not required each time the driver exits the cart during normal use across campus. 
  • Whenever possible, electric vehicles shall be plugged in for charging at the end of each use. 
  • Staff will notify and request permission from their relative manager(s) any time a vehicle will be needed for more than 4 consecutive hours – this should be scheduled in advance for all cases where advance planning is required. 
  • Unless prior permission has been granted, staff shall not keep vehicles checked out over their lunch period. 
  • Vehicles will be operated following all CSUB and other state motor vehicle laws and CSUB campus policies. 
  • Vehicles will be operated in a safe manner with an extreme emphasis on campus safety. 
  • All trash, debris, or any other parts, tools, devices, etc., will be removed from the cart prior to returning cart keys. 

Violations of this policy will result in a discussion with your respective MPP.  Subsequent violations will be discussions with CSUB Human Resources.
This policy shall be reviewed bi-annually by the Associate Vice President & CIO or a designate.