General Description
Provide guidance to campus requesters of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on accessibility requirements and outline procedures for the procurement of ICT.
Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI): The CSU's ongoing commitment to make information technology resources and services accessible to all CSU students, faculty, staff and the general public regardless of disability.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT): encompasses electronic information and technology that includes, but is not limited to, the internet and intranet websites, web applications including mobile, content delivered in digital form, electronic books and electronic book reading systems, search engines and databases, learning management systems, classroom technology and multimedia, personal response systems ("clickers"), and office equipment such as classroom podiums, copiers and fax machines. It also includes any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment that is used in the automatic acquisition, creation, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information. This term includes telecommunications products (such as telephones), information kiosks, Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) transaction machines, computers, ancillary equipment, software, firmware and similar procedures, services (including support services), and related resources.
Campus 508 Compliance Officer: Person, or persons, designated to assist staff, faculty, students, the public and other outside sources with Section 508 issues or questions.
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template® (VPAT®): A document provided to supplier to complete to determine the product’s conformance with accessibility standards and guidelines. Once the template is completed by the supplier it becomes known as an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR).
Solutions Consulting: A committee comprised of IT managers, Procurement staff and the Director of Disability Services that review ICT products submitted by Requestors for security, compliance and accessibility requirements.
Technology Accessibility Review Committee (TAR): A committee comprised of the Interim Deputy Chief Information Officer, Director of Disability Services and Director of Procurement & Contract Services. They evaluate ACRs for accessibility and determine when an EEAAP is necessary from a Requestor.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT): encompasses electronic information and technology that includes, but is not limited to, the internet and intranet websites, web applications including mobile, content delivered in digital form, electronic books and electronic book reading systems, search engines and databases, learning management systems, classroom technology and multimedia, personal response systems ("clickers"), and office equipment such as classroom podiums, copiers and fax machines. It also includes any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment that is used in the automatic acquisition, creation, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information. This term includes telecommunications products (such as telephones), information kiosks, Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) transaction machines, computers, ancillary equipment, software, firmware and similar procedures, services (including support services), and related resources.
Campus 508 Compliance Officer: Person, or persons, designated to assist staff, faculty, students, the public and other outside sources with Section 508 issues or questions.
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template® (VPAT®): A document provided to supplier to complete to determine the product’s conformance with accessibility standards and guidelines. Once the template is completed by the supplier it becomes known as an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR).
Solutions Consulting: A committee comprised of IT managers, Procurement staff and the Director of Disability Services that review ICT products submitted by Requestors for security, compliance and accessibility requirements.
Technology Accessibility Review Committee (TAR): A committee comprised of the Interim Deputy Chief Information Officer, Director of Disability Services and Director of Procurement & Contract Services. They evaluate ACRs for accessibility and determine when an EEAAP is necessary from a Requestor.
This policy applies to all ICT products and services for use by students, staff, faculty and/or the general public regardless of cost or funding source.
All ICT related acquisitions need to be evaluated and approved by the CSUB Solutions Consulting (SC) Committee prior to purchase/use. The SC process is part of CSUB’s commitment to ensure the resources and tools used on campus are accessible, secure, and integrated. The SC process includes accessibility review as SC will submit accessibility information and/or documentation to the Technology Accessibility Review Committee (TAR) for processing.
Chancellor's Office policy requires the campus to purchase ICT products that meet Section 508 Accessibility requirements. Systems and applications that are not accessible pose a risk to the campus if a student, faculty, staff, parent, or the public is unable to use them.
The following products are excluded from SC review process:
• Anything electronic whose principal function is not information
• Campus approved software solutions
• Computer monitors, displays, and projectors
• Wireless presenters
• Wired and wireless keyboards; wired and wireless mouse; wired and wireless desktop speakers
• Video cards and video adapters
• Cables, except network patch cables
• USB hubs
• UPS battery backup for desktop
• Digital cameras, camera lenses and other camera accessories
• Televisions and projection devices
• Disks, SD cards, electronic and data storage devices
(links to CSU ATI Procurement Process for further definitions and details. CSUB process steps may differ)
I. Gather Information
Purchase Requestor should obtain all information and documentation necessary such as a quote with product details, VPAT, etc. and include with Solutions Consulting Request Form submission (ServiceNow ticket). SC will contact Requestor for any missing documentation.
II. Review Information
The TAR Committee receives accessibility information and documentation provided by Solutions Consulting and reviews for completeness and Section 508 applicability.
III. Review Accessibility
TAR determines the impact and whether additional documentation is required, such as an EEAAP and/or Accessibility Roadmap from vendor. TAR provides review summary and recommendations and updates SC ticket in ServiceNow. Accessibility documents are filed in ATI Box folder and attached to SC ServiceNow ticket.
IV. Complete Procurement
SC notifies requestor once SC reviews are complete, and product approved for purchase. Requestor submits requisition to Procurement for processing. Procurement verifies SC approval, if not included with requisition.
The Procurement Department will not process a purchase requisition for ICT without the approval of Solutions Consulting.
If an ICT application will be created by supplier then Procurement will provide supplier with accessibility guidelines for developers. Supplier will need to provide ACR for application once completed.
Formal solicitations for ICT products/services will include applicable accessibility requirements as well as factors for the evaluation of these requirements. Any exceptions to accessibility requirements must be approved in writing by the Campus 508 Compliance Officer.
Any ICT purchase made on a CSUB procurement credit card (Pro Card) without obtaining prior ITS Solutions Consulting approval may be denied for use and the purchaser may be liable for the cost according to the purchasing card policies.
Solutions Consulting Request Form (requires SSO login to access ServiceNow system)
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template® (VPAT®) (completed document becomes Accessibility Conformance Report)
Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan
ProCard Handbook
Cloud Computing Policy
All ICT related acquisitions need to be evaluated and approved by the CSUB Solutions Consulting (SC) Committee prior to purchase/use. The SC process is part of CSUB’s commitment to ensure the resources and tools used on campus are accessible, secure, and integrated. The SC process includes accessibility review as SC will submit accessibility information and/or documentation to the Technology Accessibility Review Committee (TAR) for processing.
Chancellor's Office policy requires the campus to purchase ICT products that meet Section 508 Accessibility requirements. Systems and applications that are not accessible pose a risk to the campus if a student, faculty, staff, parent, or the public is unable to use them.
The following products are excluded from SC review process:
• Anything electronic whose principal function is not information
• Campus approved software solutions
• Computer monitors, displays, and projectors
• Wireless presenters
• Wired and wireless keyboards; wired and wireless mouse; wired and wireless desktop speakers
• Video cards and video adapters
• Cables, except network patch cables
• USB hubs
• UPS battery backup for desktop
• Digital cameras, camera lenses and other camera accessories
• Televisions and projection devices
• Disks, SD cards, electronic and data storage devices
(links to CSU ATI Procurement Process for further definitions and details. CSUB process steps may differ)
I. Gather Information
Purchase Requestor should obtain all information and documentation necessary such as a quote with product details, VPAT, etc. and include with Solutions Consulting Request Form submission (ServiceNow ticket). SC will contact Requestor for any missing documentation.
II. Review Information
The TAR Committee receives accessibility information and documentation provided by Solutions Consulting and reviews for completeness and Section 508 applicability.
III. Review Accessibility
TAR determines the impact and whether additional documentation is required, such as an EEAAP and/or Accessibility Roadmap from vendor. TAR provides review summary and recommendations and updates SC ticket in ServiceNow. Accessibility documents are filed in ATI Box folder and attached to SC ServiceNow ticket.
IV. Complete Procurement
SC notifies requestor once SC reviews are complete, and product approved for purchase. Requestor submits requisition to Procurement for processing. Procurement verifies SC approval, if not included with requisition.
The Procurement Department will not process a purchase requisition for ICT without the approval of Solutions Consulting.
If an ICT application will be created by supplier then Procurement will provide supplier with accessibility guidelines for developers. Supplier will need to provide ACR for application once completed.
Formal solicitations for ICT products/services will include applicable accessibility requirements as well as factors for the evaluation of these requirements. Any exceptions to accessibility requirements must be approved in writing by the Campus 508 Compliance Officer.
Any ICT purchase made on a CSUB procurement credit card (Pro Card) without obtaining prior ITS Solutions Consulting approval may be denied for use and the purchaser may be liable for the cost according to the purchasing card policies.
Solutions Consulting Request Form (requires SSO login to access ServiceNow system)
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template® (VPAT®) (completed document becomes Accessibility Conformance Report)
Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan
ProCard Handbook
Cloud Computing Policy
Review (Frequency and Process)
Any proposed changes to the above Procurement of Accessible ICT policy must be submitted to the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for review and recommendation to the President’s Cabinet
Related Documents
Related Content:
California Governmental Code 7405§ionNum=7405
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
CSU Executive Order 1111
CSU Coded Memorandum AA-2013-03
CSU Contracts and Procurement Policy, Section III(I)
Solutions Consulting Request Form (requires SSO login to access ServiceNow system)
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template® (VPAT®) (completed document becomes AccessibilityConformance Report)
Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan
ProCard Handbook
Cloud Computing Policy§ionNum=7405
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
CSU Executive Order 1111
CSU Coded Memorandum AA-2013-03
CSU Contracts and Procurement Policy, Section III(I)
Solutions Consulting Request Form (requires SSO login to access ServiceNow system)
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template® (VPAT®) (completed document becomes AccessibilityConformance Report)
Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan
ProCard Handbook
Cloud Computing Policy