Web Accessibility Policy

CSU Bakersfield Policy

Document Number:
Responsible Office:
Information Technology Services
Primary Author:
CIO & AVP of Information Technology
Last Revision Date:
Effective Date:


All web materials authored or utilized by CSUB Faculty and Staff in support of the university mission, must be accessible to all, including those persons with disabilities.


Accessibility: Web sites must be designed so that they can be "browsed" in alternative formats that convey as much of the original meaning and sensory experiences as possible. Such alternative formatting should load and then be "browsable" in approximately the same amount of time as the source site. If the complexity of alternative formatting exceeds current technology or University expertise, developers can request authorization from the appropriate administrator to provide accessible non-digital equivalents to users upon request in reasonable time.
Any developers must create new Web materials and make revisions to existing Web materials in compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, §1194.22 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, and validate accessibility via industry standard tools and by conducting manual checks such as evaluating the material using web evaluation tools, carefully considering the sounds used on the site, and accessing the material without using a mouse; i.e., by using tab and direction keys. CSUB policy and procedures follow the most recent directives from the CSU regarding timelines and priorities for making accessible the most frequently visited University web pages. Exceptions to alternative digital formatting for web materials must be approved by the appropriate administrator, in consultation with the Office of IT Services, who will consult regularly with appropriate campus committees to review changes in University capacity and expertise.

The Office of IT Services will be responsible for compliance with this policy in coordination with the Disability Services Advisory Committee, which is comprised of representatives from the campus community. The IT Services also will be the primary contact for faculty and staff who have questions about web compatibility with ADA expectations. The IT Services will provide technical support as well as training and documentation on the preparation of accessible Web pages. Academic departments and all other administrative units are responsible to ensure that their Web materials adhere to this policy.